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Monday, May 2, 2011

Taking It Slow

When it comes to physical relationships, I am a firm believer in taking it slow. To me, it seems more often than not people are way too eager to jump into bed without ever really getting to know each other first. If you ask me, this is never a healthy way to start a relationship, especially if you want it to last.
Sharing common interest, building strong and open communications, and connecting on an emotional level should all come first before taking the relationship to a physical level. Establishing these things first gives the relationship it highest chances for long-term success. If you choose to skip this process and move almost instantly to a physical relationship, it will most certainly cloud judgment and create confusion. It will also likely lead to feelings of regret later in the relationship.

Once a couple truly knows each other, they should feel confident with moving the relationship to the next level. By waiting until this point is reached, the physical relationship actually become a building block that strengthens the relationship as opposed to weakening it. And as a bonus, most couple will find that the physical relationship is more intense and enjoyable than it ever could have been by rushing things.

I know that in the heat of the moment waiting sounds like the worst idea ever, but trust me it is worth it. Your self-control and responsibility at the beginning of the relationship will be handsomely rewarded later with a stronger, long-lasting connection and an incredible physical experience!

1 comment:

  1. Hard to do in this world of speed dating and expectations of "instant chemistry," but I agree with you.
