Ok, so you have met someone, there could be a connection, but what do you do next? That’s simple, it’s first date time! Before you panic, here is a brief list of first date ideas that should keep the date moving and interesting, even if you find that your date is not!
• Go Bowling – Or do any other activity such as playing pool for that matter. Centering the date around something like a game will naturally keep things moving. So grab your bowling shoes, a pitcher of beer, and go knockdown some pins! You never know where the date will lead from there!
• Take a Hike – If you are both the outdoors type and happen to live near some great scenic areas, then by all means take a hike! Between the fresh air and the beautiful scenery, you are both bound to have a great time!
• Hit some balls at the Driving Range – That is if you both like golf! There is nothing better for stress relief than the driving range. It is also a place where you can both be a little silly, and if you are lucky you might just get ask to help her with her swing!
• See Live Music/Band – There is nothing like good music to really set a mood. Add a few drinks, and you never know where the night might lead. Play your cards right and it might lead from the dance floor to the bedroom!
• Try a New Cuisine/Restaurant – Who doesn’t like good food? Add the excitement of trying a new place along with a bottle (or two) of wine and before you know it the two of you will be chatting up a storm. If the rest of the date goes well you might even get invited in for a nightcap!
This list is by no means complete or perfect. It is simply to provide some jumping off points and ideas to keep you motivated and moving. A good I idea might be to even combine two or three events/ideas into a single date! Whatever you do, just remember to be yourself and have fun!
Good Luck!